Your Words Have Power.

  • Discover How To Use Them To Outgrow Old Beliefs, Become Your Own Hero, And Re-Write Reality Forever.

  • As we go through life we tend to create a story about who we are. From experiences and events, we then craft ideas and beliefs about who we are.

  • Some of these beliefs are hurtful and cause us great pain, others make us feel good about ourselves.

  • The truth is the stories and type of language we talk to ourselves with, whether it’s positive or negative, has a way of controlling every aspect of our lives.

You see the language we use is the reality we choose.

  • In a way, we use language to create the very life we see around us.

  • Until we learn to change our inner dialogue, our stories, and the ideas we tell ourselves about our external world. Nothing in our reality will change.

  • Changing your language, and altering your inner dialogue is the fastest way to create the type of dream reality you wish you could be in.

  • Waking up excited, feeling happy for no reason, becoming the hero in your own story, or being inspired to live your highest dreams is all possible when you re-write your reality.

  • Waking up excited, feeling happy for no reason, becoming the hero in your own story, or being inspired to live your highest dreams is all possible when you re-write your reality.

Today I’m going to show you an incredibly amazing tool that you can use to change your inner dialogue, remove old beliefs and create a brand-new reality and life you love.

Your Story Isn’t Set In Stone, You've Just Never Been Shown How To Change It.

As a society, we’re taught to believe that everything is set in stone and even more importantly we are set in stone.

 We were taught “we are who we are”

I’m here to tell you this is not the case.

You can be whoever you want to be. If you choose to change your story and beliefs about who you are.

Today I’m going to talk to you about a powerful tool called

Conscious Language.

  • It’s a tool you can use to change your inner dialogue, inner thoughts, and beliefs about yourself.

  • Putting you in the driver's seat of your own mind and giving you the power to silence your inner critic. Then become the writer and creator of your own life, Instead of being a victim of unfortunate circumstances.

  • With Conscious Language, you have the power to change your entire life from the ground up. 

  • Become the creator of your life today. Becoming the hero of your own movie and enjoying every second of it.

Conscious Language Is The Tool Of Internal Transformation.

  • What if I told you that you could rewrite happiness into every moment of your life? Or re-create your entire life by choice?

  • Place yourself as the main hero in your exciting story of life, instead of being a victim of circumstance or negative beliefs about yourself.

  • Learning Conscious Language gives you the power to re-create your reality in any way you want.

  • Giving you the power to live your life on purpose, with excitement, and with joy.

  • Conscious Language is a tool you can use to upgrade your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about yourself from a higher level of being.

  • Instead of seeing the world as scary, challenging, or painful, you can instead rewrite it to be exciting, interesting, or fun.

  • Conscious Language is a magical way to re-create your reality any way you feel how.

About Your Coach

What you think is going on, is not what is going on. What you think you are focussed on, is not what you are focussed on! This is true of every client I’ve worked with.

Part of my living my true nature and purpose is the ability to access the deeper truth that exists within you. It’s this ability to go to the heart of the matter that facilitates quantum change.

Simultaneously we will be implementing the Formulae to get you the results you want. 100% of our clients get results with the Formulae, we work with you until you do. The only prerequisite is that you are a human being.

I am on a Soul Mission to change lives and creating breakthroughs and changing lives is what we do.

Step Into A Brand New Life Today.

  • You deserve a prosperous and abundant life.

  • The single biggest reason why you may not be living your dream life is primarily from the negative stories you may be telling yourself.

  • These stories make up your identity and dictate what you believe you cannot or can do.Once you learn to shift and transform old beliefs and identities about yourself you can change your entire reality forever.

  • Become the hero in your own story and start leading and living your dreams today by changing your internal beliefs about your old identity through the power of Conscious Language.

  • You can live a new life and story today with Conscious Language. Leaving the story of the past behind and rewriting yourself into a new reality today.

Introducing The Conscious Language Course:

  • For the first time discover the life-changing effect of Conscious Language firsthand in my workshop.

  • This online workshop will cover everything you need to know about Conscious Language and how to use it to change your reality, your story, and your beliefs about yourself.

  • After this workshop, you will no longer be the same person you used to be. You will become the writer and creator of your own life.

  • Go beyond the circumstances of your life and step into your dream reality today with Conscious Language.

Here’s Just How Powerful Conscious Language

Can Be In Your Life .

  • Transform your old limiting beliefs with ease. Easily take control of your negative thoughts or emotions.

  • Re-create your identity to become a stronger, more capable, and happier version of yourself.

  • Move from a victim mindset to a creator mindset and take charge of your life.

  • Creating an abundant beautiful life of your design that you love.

Here Is The Entire Outline Of My Course:

Part 1: What is Conscious Language:

Discovered the exact power Conscious Language can give you over your entire life.

Part 2: Why we need to get more conscious about our language:

Understand language on a deep level and how it controls all your life without you even realizing it.

Part 3: Unconscious Language explained:

Realizing exactly why you sometimes feel stuck in your reality and why the unconscious is the key to your true long-lasting transformation.

Part 4: The real benefits of Conscious Language:

Discovering all the lasting and lifelong benefits Conscious Language can give you for creating amazing results in almost every area of your life.

Part 5: Conscious Language at work:

Here I show you exactly how to use Conscious Language for true and lasting transformation.

Part 6: Implementing Conscious Language in your life:

This is where I show you how to make Conscious Language a permanent part of your life to actively create the life you want.

Part 7: Empowering words:

To end I show you exactly how to use empowering language as a tool of change and transformation into becoming the creator over every aspect of your reality.

The Course

  • You don’t have to accept the current reality you are living in.

  • You are truly free to create any reality you wish you just need to be shown how.

  • With Conscious Language you become the true creator over your life, giving you the power to rewrite reality anyways you wish.

  • No longer confined or constrained by the beliefs of the past.

  • So rewrite your reality today and transform your life like never before with the power of Conscious Language.

  • Change your story forever and finally live life on your terms.

Get started using Conscious Language today and transform yourself faster than you could ever imagine.

Discover the power of conscious language firsthand today and start making rapid changes in your life internally and externally!

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Frequently Ask Questions

Will this work for me?

Quite simply yes. 100% of our clients get results. We work with you until you do.

How long will it take to notice a difference?

The journey is the journey and it can never be wrong! That said I’ve had clients who start to feel differently after one session.

Do I need any experience in the personal development space?

No. Whether you are completely new to this world or a Zen master we work with you to ensure you experience the changes you desire.

I’m not sure I’m ready?

The fact you are here and reading this is good indication you are. Let’s jump on a call and find out where you are right now.

Is this the right type of coaching for me? 

Everything is Energy including you. What impacts your physical, emotional and creative energy is your internal state. We teach you Internal State mastery which means your wheel of life i.e. health, business/career, Finances, romance, family & friends, personal growth, fun and recreation, will level up and you start achieving your biggest goals!

Checkout Some Of Our Testimonials


Yoga & Wellbeing Instructor

"The transformation in me has been substantial, he identified things I wasn't aware of that were blocking me."



“Working with Haider has been a life gift. He has shown me the way to heart coherence”


Business Owner

"I've experienced so many aha
moments that have allowed to me to breakthrough areas of my life where I have been stuck"

Benefits Disclaimer

With regards to the potential effects or benefits of anything associated with soulful-awakening website and the human potential podcast, Haider Rathor has taken every effort to accurately represent his ability to impact your life. However, Haider does not guarantee results in any given timeframe. The ideas and tools or recommendations is not a guarantee to you for anything. The information provided by this website and Haider’s approach is for education purposes only.

Call: +44 (0) 7738 858756

